💾Microsoft Azure

Resourcely supports the configuration of all generally available Azure services. Use Resourcely to:

Make it easy to deploy complex Azure services with Resourcely blueprints

  • Create templates for paved roads to production on Azure

  • Customize your blueprints, choosing which parameters you give access to

  • Give guidance and context to developers

Create guardrails that keep your Azure deployments safe

  • Prevent disaster by restricting unsafe settings

  • Avoid unauthorized access, accidental deletion, data exposure, and more

Want to learn more about Azure + Resourcely? Get in touch.

Azure Storage

Durable, highly available, massively scalable cloud storage

Azure Managed Data

Persistent, secured disk storage for Azure virtual machines

Azure Firewall

Native firewalling capabilities with built-in high availability

Azure Load Balancer

Deliver high availability and network performance to your applications

Azure Private Link

Keep your data on the Microsoft network with private access on the Azure platform

Azure Dedicated Host

A dedicated physical server to host your VMs

Azure Virtual Machines

Provision Windows and Linux virtual machines in minutes

Azure Virtual WAN

Optimize and automate branch to branch traffic

Azure VPN Gateway

Establish secure, cross-premise connectivity

And more...

All Azure services are supported by Resourcely

Last updated