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Putting it together: creating a PR with Resourcely
Last updated
Putting it together: creating a PR with Resourcely
Last updated
Now that Blueprints or Guardrails have been created, it is time to put them to use!
If you haven't created your Templates for generating Terraform, you can use one of the pre-built Blueprint that come with your Resourcely account
To find Blueprints, navigate to Resources, click Create a Pull Request, and add Blueprints to your Shopping Cart. You can select one or multiple Blueprints to create a Pull Request with.
Hit Continue to fill out the form you created with your Blueprint.
Once the developer sets configuration options, they can click Continue to preview the Terraform PR that will be created.
Resourcely merges any variables and their configuration inputs, creating properly generated Terraform that meets your expectations.
This is automatically submitted as a change request into your change management system.
All applicable Guardrails will be evaluated against the Terraform that has been submitted. If a Guardrail is violated, the change request will be blocked and Guardrail exceptions will be highlighted inline: