🦊GitLab Pipelines

CI/CD Automation

Gitlab Pipelines allows Resourcely to automatically evaluate your Terraform plans and policies on every pull request, and provide feedback directly within your merge-request. To set up Resourcely with Gitlab Pipelines, you must perform the following steps:

  • Adding Required Variables to the Repository

  • Create a Resourcely Job

Adding Required Variables to the Repository

Resourcely can be configured using environment variables. Some variables are optional and used for configuration, while others must be defined before the guardrails can be validated.



(Required) Token generated from the Resourcely portal. Used to verify infrastructure guardrails.



(Optional) The directory where the terraform files to verify are located.

Default Value: $CI_PROJECT_DIR


In GitLab, you can define non-secret variables within your .gitlab-ci.yml as follows:

  TF_PLAN_DIRECTORY: "/root/terraform/plans"

Secret variables should be applied using GitLab UI CI/CD variables. You can use UI CI/CD variables in this case to store values you don't want others to see by avoiding hard-coding them in your .gitlab-ci.yml file and limit who can access them.

You must be a project member with the Maintainer role in order to create and manage UI CI/CD variables.

You can add a UI CI/CD variable as follows:

  1. Open the repository you want to Resourcely to watch

  2. Click the Settings tab

  3. Click on the CI/CD

  4. Scroll down and expand the Variables section

  5. Click on the Add Variable button

  6. Add the following variables and their values one at a time and press the Add variable button

Make sure to select the Mask variable flag so that secret data is not exposed in the job output.

You can learn more about GitLab CI/CD variables by checking out the following documentation:

GitLab CICD variable documentation

Creating the Resourcely Job

  1. Open the GitLab project you wish to use.

  2. Create a file named .gitlab-ci.yml your the project's root directory, note that it may already exist

  3. Copy and paste the following code

  - test

  - remote: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Resourcely-Inc/resourcely-gitLab-template/main/.resourcely.gitlab-ci.yml

Note: The Resourcely guardrail validation GitLab template is imported directly from the Resourcely

  1. Commit the change to the main branch

You should now have the Resourcely Job enabled in your GitLab pipeline, which will run each time a new resource generation Merge Request is created.

Last updated