Templates for generating Terraform
Creating and publishing your first Blueprint
This guide assumes you have integrated Resourcely with your version control, so that Resourcely can submit change requests on your behalf.
Blueprints are powerful guided experiences for configuring and deploying cloud infrastructure. They are created and managed by central teams (Platform, SRE, DevOps, Infrastructure, etc), and used by developers.
With Blueprints:
Customize Blueprint code and preview the form developers will see based on the Blueprint
Developers can discover Blueprints and use Blueprint forms to configure infrastructure
Terraform is generated and change requests automatically created, based on Blueprint forms
Create your first Blueprint
We'll create our first Blueprint based on an AWS RDS instance example.
Note that this Blueprint is for demonstration purposes only, and you should not use this in production. Resourcely has a variety of integrated Blueprints with embedded best practices around security, access, networking, cost, and more.
Consider the following example of Terraform for an AWS RDS Instance
In Resourcely navigate to the Foundry, copy the Blueprint code from above, and paste it into the Blueprint Content.
Check out the Developer Experience and Terraform tabs in Resourcely. Notice that the variables we inserted are represented in the form, with field options automatically populated.
Adding variables
Let's further customize our Blueprint form by changing the Blueprint code.
Adding variables
Replace the rest of the hard-coded values in your Blueprint code with {{ inline-variables}}
. It should look something like this:
Check out the Developer Experience tab to see how adding variables has changed your form
Variables can also be defined in frontmatter - we cover this in detail in Authoring Your Own Blueprints
Customizing variables with tags
Inline variables can be customized with a variety of tags. These tags impact the form developers will use to configure resources. Check out Authoring Your Own Blueprintsfor a detailed listing of tags.
We'll start by adding a description, a default value, and setting some as required:
Add variable tags to your Blueprint, or copy the above code into the Foundry Blueprint content window, and observe how it changes the form in the Developer Experience tab.
Publish your new Blueprint by adding a name, description, provider, and categories in the Define Metadata tab. Once you have done that, the Blueprint is ready for developers to interact with it.
Next steps
Blueprints are powerful: you can collect context questions, creating highly opinionated templates, or provide developers with modular linkable building blocks for creating Terraform.
From here, you can use other parts of Resourcely. Enforce rules by creating Terraform policies integrated into CI, or Remediate policy violations in existing infrastructure.
Last updated