Global Context

For the latest documentation on the resource itself, refer to the Terraform Registry.

Global Contexts are context-prompting questionnaires used to gather data from developers before provisioning a resource. Global Contexts are designed to gather and store insightful data related to the resource that will be generated.

To define an environment questions in

resource "resourcely_context_question" "environment" {
  prompt               = "Environment?"
  label                = "Environment"
  qtype                = "QTYPE_SINGLE_SELECT"
  scope                = "SCOPE_TENANT"
  blueprint_categories = [
  answer_choices       = [
    { label : "Production" },
    { label : "Non-production" },
    { label : "Sandbox" }

This global context will prompt users to select an environment (Production, Non-production, or Sandbox) when deploying blueprints from the mentioned categories.

You can use adjust the qtype according to the question's nature.

Once Context Questions are defined you can exclude them from certain blueprints as follows:

resource "resourcely_blueprint" "aws_s3_basic" {
  name           = "Basic S3 bucket"
  description    = "Basic bucket with configurable versioning"
  cloud_provider = "PROVIDER_AMAZON"
  categories     = ["BLUEPRINT_BLOB_STORAGE"]
  labels         = ["s3", "private"]

  # This Blueprint will receive all context questions EXCEPT the environment question
  excluded_context_question_series = [

  guidance       = <<-EOT
  Use this when you want a basic private bucket.

   - Bucket name
   - Versioning (enabled/disabled)

   - Public access block
   - Objects are bucket owner enforced
 content = file("basic.tft")

Last updated