🐱GitHub Actions
Guardrails in Action via GitHub Actions
After you have created a Pull Request with a request to provision infrastructure it will be available in Resourcely's Pull Request management screen. You can click on the View PR button to be transported to Pull Request within GitHub.
Once you are at the GitHub PR, you can see that Resourcely has added all the information from the Context provided when generating a resource from a blueprint.
If we scroll down we can see the Resourcely CI Job running alongside the Terraform Plan job. The Resourcely CI Job performs the following actions:
Waits for a Terraform to create a plan
Downloads the Terraform plan
Validates the Terraform plan against the defined Resourcely Guardrails
If a guardrail violation is detected, an appropriate reviewer from your GitHub Team is assigned to the PR. The PR will be blocked from being merged until any reviewer in your GitLab team approves.
You can dive into the job output to see the changes that violate your organization's guardrails. You can either address the violations or get your PR approved by someone in your GitLab Team.
The above shows an S3 naming convention violation which can be resolved by using the correct naming convention or getting approval from a member of the assigned GitHub Team.
Dismiss Stale Pull Requests
To allow Resourcely to monitor changes to your Pull Request after it has been approved by the required approver team, you can enable this option in GitHub. This ensures that any subsequent reviews will block the PR in case of a violation, even if previous commits were approved. Go to your repository -> Settings -> Branches -> Edit (Currently applies to branch Rule) -> toggle "Dismiss stale pull request approvals when new commits are pushed"
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