🐶Terraform Cloud Integration

CI/CD Automation

This integration requires Terraform Cloud to be integrated with the GitHub projects you will be using with Resourcely. The first step is to configure environment variables. To set up Resourcely with GitHub Actions using Terraform Cloud, you must perform the following steps:

  • Creating a Personal Access Token

  • Adding Required Variables to the Repository

  • Creating the Resourcely GitHub Action

Creating a Personal Access Token (Classic)

Personal access tokens are an alternative to using passwords for authentication to GitHub. Resourcely uses personal access tokens to access GitHub resources on your behalf using the API.

  1. Verify your email address, if it hasn't been verified yet.

  2. In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings.

  3. In the left sidebar, click Developer settings.

  4. In the left sidebar, under Personal access tokens, click Tokens (classic).

  5. Select Generate new token, then click Generate new token (classic).

  6. In the "Note" field, give your token a descriptive name.

  7. To give your token an expiration, select Expiration, then choose a default option or click Custom to enter a date.

  8. Select the repo scope

  9. Click Generate token.

Once you have generated a personal access token, store it in a safe place, it will later be added to your GitHub repository as a secret. You can learn more about Personal Access Tokens by checking out the following documentation:

Adding Required Variables to the Repository

Resourcely can be configured using environment variables. Some variables are optional and used for configuration, while others must be defined before the guardrails can be validated.



(Required) Token generated from the Resourcely portal. Used to verify infrastructure guardrails.



(Required) Your GitHub personal access token (classic) with repo scope only.



(Optional) The directory where the terraform files to verify are located.

Default Value: tf-plan-files



(Optional) Your Terraform Cloud team token with workspace permission set to Manage all workspaces.

This is required only if you are using Terraform Cloud for infrastrucuture provisioning.


Secret variables allow you to store sensitive information in your organization, repository, or repository environments.

  1. Open the repository you want Resourcely to watch

  2. Click the Settings tab

  3. Under the Security section, select Secrets and variables

  4. Under the Secret section, press the New Repository secret button

  5. Add the following variables and their values one at a time and press the Add secret button

You can learn more about GitHub Secret variables by checking out the following documentation:

Creating the Resourcely Action

Now let's add the Resourcely job to GitHub Actions to perform the following actions:

  • Obtain the resourcely-cli Docker container, which is used to download policies from Resourcely, assess them, and submit the results to Resourcely. As a result, these findings will be displayed on your GitHub pull requests each time a new pull request is submitted.

  1. Open the repository you want to Resourcely to watch

  2. Create a file named resourcely.yml under .github/workflows. If the directory does not exist, create it.

  3. Copy and paste the following code and make configuration changes as needed

name: Resourcely CI

# Trigger conditions for running this action
    branches: [ main ]
    branches: [ main ]

# Permissions for the action
  contents: read  # Read repository content
  packages: read  # Read packages from the repository

# Define jobs to be run
  # Name of the job
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest  # The type of machine to run the job on
      - uses: Resourcely-Inc/resourcely-action@v1
          # grab the GitHub access token stored in the repo secrets
          gh_access_token: ${{ secrets.GH_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
          # grab the terraform api token stored in the repo secrets
          tf_api_token: ${{ secrets.TF_API_TOKEN }}
          # grab the resourcely api token stored in the repo secrets
          resourcely_api_token: ${{ secrets.RESOURCELY_API_TOKEN }}
          # set the resourcely api host
          resourcely_api_host: "https://api.resourcely.io"
  1. Commit the change to the main branch

Please note that this setup assumes your GitHub is integrated with Terraform Cloud. If you are using other runners, you will need to modify your script accordingly.

You should now have the Resourcely Action enabled in GitHub, which will run each time a new resource generation PR is created.

Terraform Cloud VCS Integration Considerations

If you are using Terraform Cloud to provision your infrastructure resources and have performed the following actions:

  • Linked your GitHub repository with Terraform Cloud using VCS

  • Set the TF_API_TOKEN variable within GitHub

Then the applied Resourcely action will run the wait-for-terraform-plan job which performs the following before verifying the configured guardrails:

  • Searches for the Terraform Cloud job run in the Resourcely generated pull-request

  • Continuously checks the status of the Terraform Cloud Job until completion

  • Downloads the Terraform plans once the Terraform Cloud Job has been completed successfully

Once the plan has been downloaded, Resourcely will validate the plans against the implemented guardrails.

Resourcely Terraform Cloud Scaffolding

This repository helps to integrate Resourcely into repository that uses Terraform Cloud as the Terraform runner.

It contains a workflow that waits for terraform plan and then uses the Resourcely Github Action to evaluate guardrails on that plan.

Last updated