To enable the integration using the Auth0 native Okta integration OIDC, we only require the following information:
Okta Domain: The domain refers to the URL or domain name associated with your SSO Provider organization's account
Your Okta domain looks like this:
Client ID: a public identifier that uniquely identifies a client application registered with an authorization server
Client Secret: a confidential secret that is known only to the client application and the authorization server. It should be kept secret and never exposed in client-side code or public configurations.
Callback URL: URLs that are invoked after the authentication process.
The Resourcely callback URL is https://login.portal.resourcely.io/login/callback
Sign-Out Redirect URI (optional): Redirects users with an alternative logout
The Resourcely Sign-Out Redirect URI is https://login.portal.resourcely.io/v2/logout

You can use this Terraform resource to set up the integration if you manage Okta through Terraform:
Last updated