Creating Campaigns
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Read more about Campaigns to understand why to use them.
Campaign managers can set up a campaign for whatever combination of repositories and guardrails they wish. Repos can be specified by globs; the set of repos included in a campaign will change as repos are added or removed if they match the glob. Only repos that have a completed setup and available state file will be included though. You can validate the setup on the Metrics page. see Validating the setup above.
If the repository has already been set up, then there should not be a delay between setting the campaign up and the results being available. If the repository is newly set up, it can be up to two hours to view the results.
Campaigns are defined using Guardrails. Resources that violate the Guardrails that you choose will be flagged for remediation. Campaigns can either be against all Guardrails, or against a set of specific Guardrails. If it is against all Guardrails, then that will dynamically shift based on what Guardrails are active.
Metrics are associated with the lifespan of an active Campaign. We retain both daily and cumulative metrics. You can view the breakdown of fixes, approvals, and remaining open findings by guardrail or by config root. For the daily metrics, you can see the overall fixed/approved/open metrics over time.
To integrate with external ticketing of issue management, the campaign manager can export a CSV of all of the findings, with links to their remediation page that can be given to whoever needs to fix the remediation.
Since a Campaign has been created, the findings can now be remediated. You can learn more about this step in Remediate Resources.